I have chosen a site that is a uninhabited by 3 empty fields that lie under power/transmission towers within a suburban neighborhood. By introducing a program of athletics, mainly running/walking I have created an elevated outdoor track or ring that allows anyone to use the track as a continuous uninterrupted flow of exercise within a site that resembles a wasteland but with potential use. While just anyone can simply run or walk throughout out any neighborhood or street, this track allows for (as mentioned uninterrupted freedom of continuous motion). One of the problems runners or joggers have in downtown cores or dense environments is the stoppable of crossing streets and obstacles when passing. That's that's why they stay active at a red light to keep motion in motion.
Anyway, the design of this track will allow for the joining of all 3 empty fields (or maybe two, im still trying to figure that out) and will make use of the properties of steel to span long distances with thin structures. Because of the strength of steel, it will allow this track to cantilever over the 2 roads found on my site.
Without having design a typical 400m long track in the shape like the one pictured below, I have looked into more organic forms such as an amoeba and taking its shape as a possible influence to design a more curvilinear track. Although this may have several curves, I still want to design something more simplistic rather than something so curvy, I don't want users having to make turns ever 20m.
Now, while it is an outdoor track free of being maintained, I will still create areas with shade or 'tunnels' in which will cover certain areas for taking breaks or creating views. I started looking at the Suicide Veil we have on the Don Valley bridge for ideas for creating barriers as well as horizontal aircraft cables to run along my design for railings. I sought out pictures of DNA strands as further influence also pictured below.
A few images will hopefully explain more of my project.
DNA Strand for canopy design at certain areas of the track.

Below are sketches of my design or ideological conditions. I will start modeling tomorrow in class as I'm trying to figure out all the details tonight.
The second shows the general site and the 'T' intersection that would have the track built on. The two transmission towers are marked with an 'X' as this track would weave in and around the space below.
Your buddy @
Though it is good that you have a rationale for your design you must fully develop your logic as there is a conflict in your site location in suburbia versus your discourse on the density of urban cores. I would also focus more on structural steel at this point in time. It is dangerous to forgo the structural steel component and become enamored with the tensile capacity of cables. The suicide barrier does not capitalize on structural steel properties rather the cables are used to prevent people from jumping out and also retain some level of transparency.