Seeing as I have not posted in a while I feel it is appropriate to do so, as I have made some changes to my design and am proceeding into detailing.
Since my last post and crit I have changed the design to appear more concise. My project has an interior climbing facility as well as outdoor climbing both on the silos and with the new added steel panels.

The intent of the design is for it to be deconstructed/ dematerialized as it goes further away from the core glass enclosure (in the center)

I have reconfigured a box truss, to get the angular play that I wanted. While also stretching it and reconfiguring it to also include my cantilever.
I am currently beginning to model my connections:) ..... thats for a later post:)
This is becoming a very interesting and rationalised form which could work really well if detailed properly. The angular facets off the existing silo condition is extremely promising provided you develop a systematic way of breaking down the surfaces which seem to have incredibly large spans. We discussed the possibilities of sorting out the truss systems in tandem with the glazing so it would be really useful to see how that has developed. The connection to the top component is a bit nebulous but that is because it has not been modeled completely. I suspect you will have to develop a strategy for connections atop the silo which would need some detailing insights.