Ok now listen, I strategically named this post in order to get the eye-rolling out of the way before I continue. Now i know what some of you are thinking, 'OMG do you do ANYTHING other than play games'. The answer is yes, Architecture/Eat/Sleep in that order. But hear me out here because there's a very interesting experience at play that I believe is relevant for this discussion.
Fallout 3 is the first installment of the Fallout franchise redone for modern consoles. It takes place in post-apocalyptic Washington DC where the landscape is bleak, barren and ultimately devoid of life/vegetation. The game itself can clock in at well over 100 hours of side-questing and not to mention the rich visuals/storytelling involved is even more immersive. To put it simply, the main questing is about searching for your father, as he is a scientist working in the wasteland to help create a system that can purify water at a massive scale.

Also Known As 'Project Purity'
Now as we know from researching our charette designs, water retention is a very crucial component to survival in any barren landscape that offers harsh climactic conditions. After looking into the water retention capabilities of some desert wildlife, I've come to the conclusion that other than retaining moisture from the things they eat, most creatures (excluding vegetation for the time being) maintain their water supply by burrowing into the Earth where the air retains more moisture than the air that lingers above the sandy surface; (such as geckos and other reptiles). I also found this very interesting as it directly ties into my sketch that will be pictured near the end of this post: Others [creatures] are specifically "shaped" to collect water. For example, the body of the thorny devil in Australia is completely covered in sharp spikes which actually collect the moisture that condenses in the early morning (or the occasional rains) and channel it directly down towards its mouth.
Keep this idea in mind when we get to my initial sketch for the project, but for now I would like to continue with the 'experiential' aspect of the design.
Enter the G.E.C.K.
(Garden of Eden Creation Kit)
Keep this idea in mind when we get to my initial sketch for the project, but for now I would like to continue with the 'experiential' aspect of the design.

(Garden of Eden Creation Kit)
Now imagine walking across the post apocalyptic wasteland for 50+ hours constantly enveloped by this monochromatic, barren, earth-tone landscape with nothing but a trench coat and a gun on your hip. Not a single shred of vegetation flourishing in sight. (Starting to sound like the Mojave, still with some visible vegetation):
After growing accustomed to the visuals of the Capital Wasteland, the main quest begins to hint that there is something that may exist in the vast expanse of the Wastes that has miraculous terraforming capabilities and can reform any irradiated ecosystem into a flourishing 'Oasis'. This becomes more than just a myth, as the main questing calls for you to seek out the G.E.C.K. (Garden of Eden Creation Kit) as it is a crucial component to the activation of Project Purity and all that it entails. Instantly the player suggests 'yeah right I've been looking at the ass end of a nuclear bomb for 60 hours now and I have YET to see a blade of grass'. As you search for this rumor it begins to sound more and more like a wild goose chase, until you round the corner of a small crevice in the landscape:
After growing accustomed to the visuals of the Capital Wasteland, the main quest begins to hint that there is something that may exist in the vast expanse of the Wastes that has miraculous terraforming capabilities and can reform any irradiated ecosystem into a flourishing 'Oasis'. This becomes more than just a myth, as the main questing calls for you to seek out the G.E.C.K. (Garden of Eden Creation Kit) as it is a crucial component to the activation of Project Purity and all that it entails. Instantly the player suggests 'yeah right I've been looking at the ass end of a nuclear bomb for 60 hours now and I have YET to see a blade of grass'. As you search for this rumor it begins to sound more and more like a wild goose chase, until you round the corner of a small crevice in the landscape:
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